Thursday, March 22, 2012


I know I said my next post would be about homemade pasta, but I lied.  This one is more fun.
The Breadman has made it his life mission to make the biggest and most wow-worthy bubbles known to man.  Starting with homemade bubbles.  I tried to pick the least blurry pictures.  You'd think I'd get out the real camera, but Google+ makes using photos from the phone a whole lot easier.

He is still working on the right ratio, but tonight's ingredients are 1 1/2 cups of Dawn dish soap and one gallon of distilled water.

Why not just go to the store and buy bubbles?  Where's the fun in that?
And not just for her.  She's in bed and The Breadman is hard at work in the garage creating a contraption that will make bubbles as big as a car.  Yes, really.  I feel a bubbling blog series coming on.

Cricket lost interest for a while and started picking "dande-lines," which I think, after some not-so-extensive research, are actually called Beautyberry grape hyacinth.  (Thanks, Breadman.)

Had I known I would be a subject of a photograph, I would have put on some mascara.  Or at least brushed my hair.

Next up:  Maybe shrimp creole.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I love you guys! Ahem... Bubbles as big as your car? Pix or it didn't happen. lol
